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Show #81 – Author, Talk Show Host and Animal Communicator Joy Turner – Phil Blizzard Founder of “Thundershirt” – Dawn Smith President of Basset Rescue Network – Dr. Donna Spector with Vet Topic of the week!

Joy with (L-R) Logan, Venus, Mercury, Amira

Joy with (L-R) Logan, Venus, Mercury, Amira

Joy Turner was back with us back in October of 2008! Wow how time flies. She was nice enough to come on the show back then when we were a very new show and now she joins us again to talk about what she has been up to and even gives Joe a few tips on handling the birds that he is training to display at our local parks system. Joe was a bit intimidated by the rather large Hawk they placed on his arm and was asking Joy some questions about how to handle it from a mental perspective. I know there are a lot of skeptics out there when it comes to animal communication but I am no one to judge. Whether you are a skeptic or not , Joy Turner is a delightful and interesting lady to talk to and we look forward to doing more with her in the near future! Listen to what she has to say on this week’s show! 


Phil Blizzard is the inventor of Thundershirt!

Phil Blizzard is the inventor of Thundershirt!


I’ve done a lot of talking lately about Butch’s “Thunderphobia” which taunts him every time a storm rolls in. Loud noises, fireworks, you name it…everything but the Military Channel in surround sound! That doesn’t bother him in the least. Anyway it does not surprise me that Phil is an Engineer as he talks to us about the process and research that went into the design of this product. As an engineer myself, I’m not surprised to find out the extent to which this was researched and it has been proven to work! I’m going to get one for Butch and try it out! 



Basset Rescue Network - California and across USA

Basset Rescue Network - California and across USA


Dawn Smith, President of the Basset Rescue Network at Daphneyland in California joined us to talk about the rescue efforts for this fantastic breed. They not only rescue but they also rehabilitate these dogs to make them better suited for family life if they have problems. Bassets can be a cantankerous breed but they are as loveing as any other breed! Listen in to see how their facility got the name “Daphneyland” and how you can help. Also check out thier web site by clicking picture above!


Dr. Donna Spector and "Morgan"

Dr. Donna Spector and "Morgan"

Dr. Donna Spector joins us this week to talk about Spring time toxicity around your yard, allergies in our pets, and the always present threat of antifreeze in the gutters on our streets! Among her many veterinarian duties Dr. Donna also conducts research and is the consulting veterinarian for HALO dog foods company!



“THUNDERSHIRT” – claims to help calm pets that are afraid of loud noises. Should I look into this for Butch? Yes and I’m going to get him one.

AKC NOW ACCEPTING MIXED BREED REGISTRATION - Have a rescued dog that’s a mixed breed? You can now participate in great AKC sanctioned events around the country!

AT & T TO RELEASE PET COLLAR - Ever get a text message from your dog? Well now you can and he will tell you his location and that he is roaming outside of his designated area!

HEART OF A HORSE - (MBB Radio) Recieves their non-profit status. Check out the Web Site and see what April Horowitz is doing in Calfornia to help these magnificent animals and find out how you can help!

MORE FOOD BANKS HELPING TO FEED PETS ALSO – (NY Times) Animal shelters around the country are being flooded with hungry pets, and to tackle the problem, charitable organizations are setting up pet food banks, with products offered within regular food pantries.

PET FRIENDLY HOTELS FROWN ON DOG POOP (Hariet Baskas – Really? They must be kidding. I thought dodging pet poop was part of the experience, part of the essence, and yes part of the BONDING process that makes hotels love it when we bring our pets! I don’t mean BONDING poop to the bottom of my shoes! I’m with you Hariet, if people can’t follow the rules of a hotel STAY HOME! It’s the few that make it bad for the rest of us.

CALIFORNIA PONDERING ‘ANIMAL ABUSERS REGISTRY’  – As reported in an article by Alison Stateman in LA on Time’s blog, California State representative Dean Flores introduced this bill in late February but during a time where not only the State has financial trouble but pet owners are also struggling, can it pass when it needs to be funded by tax dollars? Great idea for the registry…let’s watch this one!

FLORIDA TO ALLOW BREED SPECIFIC LEGISLATION - (From Pet Product news intl.)Here we go again. I’m getting really sick of talking about this… Senate Bill 1276, sponsored by Sen. Tony Hill, D-Jacksonville, allows “any local government [to place] further restrictions or additional requirements on owners of dangerous dogs.” My Buddy Butch is a very dangerous and deadly dog… to squirrels….

ANIMALS TAUGHT ME THAT - Dr. Kim Bloomer’s New Book is now available– Dr. Kim is a great friend of our show and she is a veterinary naturopath.



SAAVY EXPLORER ARTICLE - FLYING WITH PETS on the Saavy Explorer about an experience my Dad had while traveling with Buttons to Florida. 

SENIORS FOR LIVING - I had the honor of being quoted in an article on this great web site for senior citizens. I had a very nice conversation with Marianne Thomas about how having a pet can help seniors with every day life. I have seen the effect having a dog has had on my 86 year old father, so I can speak first hand on the benefits for seniors that adding this new “family member” can bring to their lives! See the article “25 Reasons Why A Pet Helps You Stay Young At Heart.” 

Date Wanted – Must Love Dogs and Butch! - I was included in an article about Dogs and Dating! Two of my favorite subjects! Dating is tough enough for me with my schedule but now any girl I meet has to pass Butch’s test before we can go on a date! 



Sign up for our Free Newsletter - The My Buddy Butch Chronicle!

Sign up for our FREE NEWSLETTER the “My Buddy Butch Chronicle”  I will be giving a run down on each weekly show, adding articles, and featuring one rescue organization each week. We will be adding more features as time goes on so subscribe and check it out! We also have a classified section and also have sponsorships available!

My Buddy Butch – Confessions of a New Dog Dad is now on Ebook for your favorite reader including the popular KINDLE! Click here for details and formats! Now available on for your Kindle reader!

RESCUE SHELTERS AROUND THE COUNTRY: Do you know of a reputable pet rescue shelter in your local area? Are you a Rescue Shelter your self? We would love to interview you on our Weekly Pet Rescue Shelter segment on the show and here on our blog! You can be big or small, breed specific or all breed, rescue dogs, and rescue other animals as well! Contact us at and put “RESCUE” in the subject line!

MBB RADIO SHOW TOPICS: Do you have a favorite celebrity pet owner? Do you have an important topic that you would like us to cover on the show? Do you have a question about your pet’s care that you would like to ask? Don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know!

PET OR ANIMAL SICKNESS IN YOUR PART OF THE COUNTRY: Are you a Veterinarian that has noticed a particular problem or sickness in animals and pets in your part of the country? Let us know about it and we can announce it and/or have you on the show to talk about it!

LOCAL FUNCTION HAPPENING IN YOUR AREA? We want to know about it and we will even announce it on the show! Email your announcement to us at


Listen to the My Buddy Butch Talk Show #81 now Join us again next week! As always our shows are available on Apple iTunes and Zune as well as on our own site. All shows stream 24/7 on our site and can be downloaded in mp3 format from our BTR site


Purchase our AWARD WINNING BOOK at ! Or better yet use the Toll FREE number to order 800-247-6553! You can ask for an autographed copy if you wish! Read More Reviews of the Book HERE!

You can also get My Buddy Butch on EBook!






My Buddy Butch is an Award Winning Book! 

My Buddy Butch – Confessions of a New Dog Dad is a family friendly book and makes a great gift!  AMAZON.COM -  BORDERS BOOKS - BARNES & NOBLE

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