April 2008
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It’s has been longer than I would like since my last entry but we have been very busy working on many different items regarding the release of the book and PR and more Web programming and the Radio Show planning…well… you get the picture. Anyway, when I returned home yesterday I was shocked to see [...]

Dog Crosses Mountains & Dessert to Return Home

Butch and I read this incredible story that we thought we would share. This has been all over the news since Sunday and I find it more remarkable each time I think of it. This dog walked, ran, and otherwise found it’s way home over an 80 mile stretch out in Nevada, crossing mountains and desert to get back [...]

APRIL Pet Tip of the Month – Call Me Paranoid…

OK, warm weather in Ohio … finally!!!! It never fails, as the warm weather approaches here in Ohio, everyone is dying to get outside and soak up the sun and frolic around on DRY ground for a change. People taking walks, kids playing in the yard throwing balls for their dogs to fetch, and all [...]

Do Dogs Love?

I was watching the news last night and saw a feature they did on how the mortgage crisis affects the dogs that people have to give up when they lose their homes to foreclosure. Many people are forced to move to an apartment that does not accept animals. The report focused mainly on dogs and how over-crowding [...]

Butch and His Giant Ball

Even though spring was March 20th, a couple of weeks ago, it feels like this is the official first day of spring. The sunny and 70 degree weather today brought a much needed break from the frequent dreary Ohio days that we endure seemingly for 11 months out of the year. People were out walking, [...]