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My Buddy Butch Show 3-24-2012


Hour 1 – Jeff ran across a great new book that just may interest the whole family. Taking no political sides on the matter, Jeff was interested that many of the programs being debated during the 2012 election were started during the Presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson – Medicare, Head Start, the Voting Rights Act of 1964 and PBS & NPR were all signed into law by LBJ. Joining Jeff is Mark lbjindominablewillUpdegrove, who is a presidential historian and the director of the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, Texas and has a new book being published, INDOMITABLE WILL: LBJ in the Presidency (Crown; March 13, 2012), that profiles the programs that have changed our world and the future of which are being debated in this election. As a presidential historian, Updegrove be on with local party officials or alone to discuss – how these programs have changed our world and what will happen and who will be affected if these programs are changed or taken away?Is Garlic good for your pet….well, can you tell me exactly why you would feed garlic to your pet? Some holistic vets sayit will keep the fleas and tics away along with other internal benefits. Garlic a cousin of the Onion contains Thiosulphate which is a substance known to be very Toxic to Dogs, cats and horses. By its size alone the amounts are much smaller than an onion yet the substance is nonetheless toxic and there is an enormous fight for both sides of this issue. Some folks use topical products, tablets, or even shots to keep away fleas and ticks others use natural remedies like Garlic to do the same thing. The Natural pet people say the pharmaceutical remedies are toxic for your pet. I guess the question is do you want to kill your pet the medicinal way or the natural way. We have NEVER heard of a pet dying from a LACK of GARLIC in it’s diet. News and announcements. Pet food debate, marketing plans are picking your pet food for you.

Hour 2 -  Jackson Madnick is the researcher and inventor of Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low Maintenance Grass Seed. After his cat died from toxins introduced by a golf course that was near his home, Jackson set out to develop a blend of grass seed that needs very little watering and grows very slowly, yet stayspearlspremium beautiful and green throughout the year. Jackson Joins Jeff to talk about this grass seed and now that spring has sprung it’s time to get planting. Jeff will be following Jackson’s advice for planting this seed that is safe for the whole family. Jeff discusses the Top 5 Pet Problems that affect pets in America. He lists them all and not surprisingly Humans have the same issues. News and announcements.


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