July 2024
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Show #80 – Author Suzanne Selfors of “Smells Like Dog” – Author Jacque Heebner of “First Person Cat” – Dr. Karen Johnson of Banfield Pet Hospitals on Flea/Tick Season – April Horowitz of “Heart of A Horse” in California – Dr. Patrick Mahaney for the Vet Topic of the Week “H1N1 Update.”

Author Double Feature! Well, as promised I am trying get caught up on some really great books that we have had here for awhile! In anticipation of a FANTASTIC spring and summer that we are all looking forward to I want to get this information out to you so you can plan your summer reading. [...]

Show #74 – Dr. Karen Johnson of the Banfield Pet Hospitals, Heidi Ganahl CEO and Founder of Camp Bow Wow on her new book “Tales From The Bark Side” – Josh Abrams CEO and Founder of Dogasaur.com – North East Boston Rescue of New Jersey is the Rescue Shelter of the Week.

 Hi again! We’re back! Quite an eventful week. Our main server crashed so I figured I would just work to update EVERYTHING at once and add in a hot spare or two so we don’t have this problem again. The way my mind works is that I would rather do it now, before things start [...]