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Show #86 – Denise Fleck of SunnydogInk.com on Summer Pet Safety – Latest News and Announcements – Jeff Dorson of The Louisiana Humane Society – Dr. Kim Bloomer of Animal Talk Naturally for our Vet Topic of the Week

See Denise at Sunnydogink.com

It’s always great to talk with Denise because she always gives us great information that is timely and useful RIGHT NOW! You don’t have to wait to ask you vet questions. Her information is timely and easy to apply to your pet! Denise will be joining us for some articles in [...]

Show #71 – Part 2 with David Frei of Westminster Kennel Club, Award Winning Author Jenny Pavlovic, Dusty Rainbolt of the Animal Allies of Texas – Barbara Bishop Owner of “RUFUS” past Winner of Westminster – Dr. Patrick Mahaney With The Weekly Vet Topic Past Winner Breed specific illnesses.

Your Host David Frei of the Westminster Kennel Club Feb. 15th and 16th.

David Frei joins us again for Part 2 of our discussion as we take a closer look at the history of the Westminster Kennel Club and its origins as well as discuss the top dogs in the country heading into the Westminster Dog [...]