April 2009
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My Buddy Butch is Twitterless!

Hi everyone. We have been getting literally hundreds of people connecting with us over the last week or so on twitter and we can’t thank you enough for joining us. But as you may or may not know Twitter has been experiencing problems with their site. Thus, I cannot get to our Twitter  home page or our profile to answer your messages, read your tweets, or tweet during the show!

I have notified Twitter of the problem and they are working on it, so as soon as I can get back to my page I will try to answer all of your messages. I don’t want you to think that we are ignoring you. Butch is getting nervous because he can’t tweet so he follows me around and barks in sentences with only 140 characters. I’m still trying to figure out how he does it!

 Oh by the way My Buddy Butch is now on video at You Tube! Check it out here!

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