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Show #84 – Update on Animal News Headlines – John Laub of “Pet Steps To Heaven” and Steak Out A Home For Pets Benefiting Pet Finder Foundation – Casey Costa From Siberian Husky and Cocker Connection Rescues in California – Dr. Donna Spector for our Vet Topic of the Week

ALRIGHT! We’re Back in the Saddle Again! After a rough week of a bad chest cold and not being able to talk we’re back! Love the warm weather…forgot about the spring bloom that seems to be aggrivating allergies more every year. I don’t recall being allergic to the various blooming plants and tree pollen but [...]

Show #75 – Crufts Dog Show in the UK, Jane Miller Author of “Healing Companions” – Dr. Patrick Mahaney “Vet to the Stars” on Buddah the French Bulldog and a Hawk attack on the Vet Topic of the Week.

OK, it was great to get back to the show again. I hate it when things pop up and prevent us from doing what love to do and that is talk to interesting people and bring you a few tid bits of information each week. Our rescue of the week interview ran into a last [...]