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My Buddy Butch Show 10-22-2011


Hour 1 – We are heading into “Televised” Dog Show season in November and to kick things off Jeff talks with David Frei who is the well known voice of the National Dog Show Presented by Purina on Thanksgiving Day on NBC right after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parage. David is also the host [...]

David Frei Expert Analyst and Co-host of the National Dog Show Presented by Purina – Wayne Fergusen President of The Kennel Club of Philadelphia – Donna Paige Executive Producer of the Animal Connection Show – Dr. Donna Spector for Vet topic of the Week


Thanksgiving Day on NBC!

David Frei has been an expert analyst and commentator for the National Dog Show presented by Purina since the beginning 9 years ago. He has participated in every aspect of Dog shows over the years and is currently the Directoer of Communications for Westminster Kennel Club in New York City. [...]

Show #63 – Thanksgiving Eve Special with David Frei, John O’Hurley – National Dog Show PreShow Interviews with John Miller and Tiffany Simons of NBC Sports – Dr. Jo-Anne Dixon of The Animal Shelter of Wood River Valley in Idaho- Dr. Patrick Mahaney and Dr. Donna Spector With The Weekly Vet Topics, Dog Show Contestant Interviews


TAAA! DAAA! Well it just figures, all the prep and all the work only to have a piece of equipment fry on us during the first few seconds of the show! Well we forged ahead anyway! Now if you listened to the show you heard the echo so [...]

Show #60 – Patricia Princehouse Pyrenean Shepherd Expert – Denise Fleck of sunnydogink.com with Pet Safety Reminders – National Dog Show Update – Dr. Patrick Mahaney With The Weekly Vet Topic “H1N1 is Spreading to Animals!”

Well once again with the technical switchboard issues. Not to worry! Everyone was nice enough to call back in for a special taping of the segments and Voila we have a great show! As we move forward we are going to be moving the switchboard from New York to Ohio to give us complete control [...]

Show #56 – National Dog Show Announcement, Denise Fleck of Sunnydogink and Burbank Animal Shelter, Dr. Jeannie Thomason With The Weekly Vet Topic!

Wow! What a week. Seems like everything was just out of control for everyone I talked to. Rushing around, car problems, roof leaks…but the show must go on! I had a great opportunity to talk about some upcoming events, catch up on some news, and make a great announcement!

Thanksgiving Day on NBC

We [...]