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My Buddy Butch Show 3-5-2011

This just in 26% of married women did not like the way their husbands proposed to them.

Hour 1

This week  Debby Lening joins us to talk about “Women In The Pet Industry Association” and what she is doing for not only women but businesses of all types that are involved in the pet product world. With the economy [...]

Show #89 – Pat Callahan of Canine Companions for Independence – National Geographic VP of Programming on NATGEO WILD “World’s Deadliest” – More on the Gulf Oil Spill – Dr. Nancy Kay Author of Speaking for Spot on “Bloat” for our Vet Topic of the Week and Dr. Jennifer Jellison of Banfield on 4th of July Safety

Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People!


I had the pleasure of speaking to Pat Callahan, the National Director of Development and Marketing for this outstanding organization! Canine Companions for Independence is celebrating 35 years of helping dogs help people. Pat joins us to talk about the breed selection, the process of training that the [...]

Show #68 – Dr. Nancy Kay Author of “Speaking for Spot” – Author Connie Gotsch on her novel Belle’s Star – Stacy Thomas of Chicago Canine Rescue is our Rescue of the Week – Callie Novak of Dynamite – Dr. Patrick Mahaney With The Weekly Vet Topic “Pet Safety in your Bedroom”…really?

Dr. Nancy Kay

Dr. Nancy KayDr. Nancy Kay is a great freind of the My Buddy Butch Show and she has been with us in the past for a few shows sharing tips from her book “Speaking for Spot.” This is a great one stop shop for information on how to take [...]

Show #35 Hal Abrams and the Gang from Animal Radio!

Catch the Animal Radio show – 10 years of great Animal Radio Programming

Hal Abrams and Animal Radio! What can I say, these people have it together when it comes to running a great show! They had us in stitches trying to get to the next question! They have been gracing the airwaves for almost [...]

Show#33 – My Buddy Butch – Dr. Kim Bloomer of Animal Talk Naturally – Denise Fleck of SunnydogInk.com – Dr. Nancy Kay author of Speaking for Spot.

What a week! I have one less tooth in my head and it still doesn’t feel any lighter! Thanks to Joe Procario for picking up the slack and all 3 of the great ladies that joined us for bearing with my temporary albeit inconvenient infirmity. Wow, that english is too proper, makes my [...]