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MBB Radio Show 7-30-2011




Hour 1: Author and founder of the Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary in Arkansas Melanie Bowels joins Jeff to talk about her latest book “The Dogs of Proud Spirit.” Melanie is the author of three great books and all proceeds from the books go directly to the sanctuary so please [...]

MBB Radio Show 7-23-2011


Hour 1

In the spirit of making the most of your summer, which is slowly dwindling away, Pete Fierly of the Pro Football Hall of Fame joins us to talk about the enshrinement festival in Canton Ohio. There are fun family activities going on all week during this national event including the Grand Parade. Check [...]

Dog Fighting NFL style

Michael Vick you make me sick! Hey that rhymes! Cool! Another “super fantastic,” “terrific,” “all star best player in the NFL” is spending 23 months in a federal prison for running a dog fighting pit in one of his houses? Really? I know this is old news but I thought I would [...]